
Here we offer you the help you need for all your questions about our products and services. Whether it's technical support or general questions, our team is ready to help you. Browse our FAQs or contact us for personalized help.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We offer you a 99% uptime rate. Even while installing updates, your services remain available. 

No, there are no restrictions on the number of email accounts with EasyComp Host. You can create as many addresses as you want.

Cloud computing is a technology in which data, software and other resources are delivered over the Internet rather than through a local computer or server.

VPS hosting offers a virtual server with more flexibility and control than shared hosting, where multiple websites are shared on one physical server.

Yes, you can install your own SSL certificate.

You have access to a dedicated number of processor cores depending on the chosen package.

Yes, there is support for various content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

No, there is no bandwidth limitation.

EasyComp Host offers VPS hosting with speeds of up to 10GB/s.

No specific technical knowledge is required for using VPS hosting, but some technical skills will help in configuring and managing your virtual server.

Yes, free SSL certificates and domains are available with some of our hosting packages.

Yes, EasyComp Host offers website building options for shared hosting and private hosting.

Yes, depending on the chosen package. You have full control over the configuration of your server and the resources allocated to it.

Yes, you can always upgrade to a larger package if your needs change.

Yes, you can easily move your email accounts to EasyComp Host.

Trusted by Clients and Industry Experts Alike

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